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Posted on Sunday, June 12, 2011

12 June Giveaways Roundup

Yes, I know I've been so busy the past two weeks and neglecting Womobomo. Nevertheless, I still have some time after work today to do my favourite stuff - surfing the net and encountering some giveaways! I didn't see anymore paypal cash giveaways, I never do get to win them though, but I hope that by listing the giveaways that I joined, you would be a lucky winner for any one of them as well! Also, I removed the chatbox (Cbox) because it was getting too many spam messages. I am most unhappy about Cbox.

Evie Bookish is holding an international 500 Followers Celebration Giveaway with 32 books to choose from. The first winner would get three books, while the second and third would get one book each. I've always loved Evie Bookish's giveaways, so I'm not gonna miss this one too! Ends on 15 June 2011.

Craft Rooms is having a giveaway for us to win 4 Issues of Simply Handmade to a lucky winner. It's their first giveaway, and I'm most interested in craft books, so I joined it! There're quite a number of steps to follow, so read carefully. Ends 15 June 2011.

Whispered Thoughts Book Review is having a $20 Book Depository giveaway. I never really do like white texts on black background, so whatever steps there are, I'm not sure of them, but I just followed through GFC. Ends on 19 June 2011.

Pickity Pick is having a Pickity Pick giveaway with 7 really weird prizes for 7 winners. I thought the Steampunk Bunny Rabbit Robot Pin was kinda cute, so I entered this giveaway. Ends on 30 June 2011.


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