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Posted on Saturday, April 30, 2011

30 April Giveaways Roundup

These are the giveaways which I think are worth mentioning today. All are coincidentally book giveaways mainly because I love to read! (There's a 50 per cent chance I would blog about a book giveaway as compared to cosmetics and such.) Anyway, I only blog about giveaways which are open internationally, as I think they are fair enough and worth mentioning. Remember, a crucial point to note in these giveaways is that you must always remember to join the host of the giveaway's Google Friend Connect community. Enjoy.

Evie Bookish is having a 200 Followers giveaway! Oh my god, Evie is being really generous in this giveaway and I really hope I could win Modern Faerie Tales by Holly Black! Anyway, you have FOUR book packs to choose from and this giveaway is international. Honestly, I count myself lucky to have stumbled upon Evie Bookish. Ends on 16 May 2011.

Gripped Into Books reached 300 followers in five months, and Mia is thrilled enough to host a giveaway for her followers. I stumbled upon this site yesterday night, and immediately made a draft to post this today morning. There are six books to choose from which I haven't read yet, so I personally thought it was a pretty amazing giveaway for myself. Deadline is on 25 May 2011.

Down the Rabbit Hole

Down The Rabbit Hole is having a 1000 followers giveaway with 14 books to choose from! It's pretty self explanatory. Just proceed to the website by clicking the banner above, fill in the form, and wait to see if you win.

For What It's Worth is also holding a 1000 followers giveaway with any book worth 10 USD at The Book Depository or Amazon. It's super awesome, there'll be 10 winners and this giveaway is open internationally. Deadline is on 31 May 2011.

Here is a little bit of an Extra:

Did you know that The Book Depository provides free eBooks for everyone! You can download the pdf files, read them on mobile, eReaders, or PC, all at your own leisure. Head over to look at their eBooks on the website and decide if you want to buy them, or not! :D


Posted on Friday, April 29, 2011

Earning with Nuffnang

I was thinking really hard on what to type for my next blog post on Womobomo. Honestly, there are just too many money making ideas out there and it was difficult to select one for this post. Nevertheless, while I was changing Womobomo's theme (Yes, I changed it!) I happened to pay a little extra attention to Nuffnang's button stuck on my side bar. And there you go ~ I shall blog about Nuffnang this week! Honestly, I haven't been using Nuffnang for very long. I am not sure what countries Nuffnang cater to (Probably in Asia Pacific regions), so I'm just going to blog about for Singaporeans.

I've placed a sample of an ad unit above, hopefully you can see the ad because sometimes, there simply are no ads served. Okay, so like every other advertising community on the internet, Nuffnang gives bloggers a chance to serve advertisers' ads on their blog and earn money from it. Likewise, the different methods of earning are also similar to other advertising communities you can find on the internet. There are CPM/ CPC and MCPM campaigns. More details can be found on the Nuffnang's FAQ page, but I'll touch on them briefly over here.

  1. CPM campaigns
  2. CPM means earning by impressions. You earn by the number of Average Unique visitors in the week that you are serving the ad campaign. You are then arranged into "bands" by Nuffnang according to your number of visitors. Logically, the higher your band, the higher you earn. Or simply put, the more number of unique visitors you get on your blog, the higher you get paid.

  3. CPC campaigns
  4. CPC means Cost Per Click. Every time someone clicks on your ad unit served on your blog, you earn. That someone should be a unique visitor, and not yourself, or someone that clicks many times on that ad. According to Nuffnang, you will be credited 3 days after the CPC campaign ends.

    "Should your blog display a CPC ad but not generate any clicks on the ad unit, no earnings will be accumulated and updated". - Nuffnang.
  5. MCPM (Metered CPM) campaigns
  6. This is kind of special, as I have never seen it before. I think it is kind of an easier way to earn, but only for highlighted/ top/ popular/ higher traffic kind of blogs. So what happens is, advertisers buy visitors from a specific blog for a certain period of time. During this time, visitors would be able to see the advertiser's ads on the blog and ... the blogger earns after the number of visitors that the advertiser bought are completed.

Interestingly, Nuffnang doesn't really show ad units every single time. Which means, like I said earlier, you will see their button/banner stuck onto your advertising space without an ad. I believe Nuffnang have received many, many questions about this, but it is all explained in their FAQ section. Simply put, if your blog is not assigned to any ads from advertisers, then you will not see any ad units ie. you are not serving any ads at the moment.

Nuffnang Xchange

Yes, if you look at your bottom right, you can see a widget that shows you other blog posts from fellow Nuffnangers. It allows you to browse other blogs besides your own, and also invites visitors to your own blog. It is linked with Innit Chatter, and has a limited number of themes to choose from.

"In support of the average blogger, only blogs with an average of <300 uniques a day will be featured in the RSS tab." - Nuffnang.

Before you ask,

- You cash out when you reach 50 SGD, not USD.
- And yes, Nuffnang works together with Adsense.

What about Womobomo?

You must be interested to know how much I am earning on Womobomo. Well, this site just started not too long ago, so there are of course, not many visitors. I'm getting a fair amount of traffic annyway, enough to make 1.4 SGD currently. As you may have noticed, I placed Nuffnang ads on the sidebar at the right, so two points to note about that are:

1. It will not get clicked often, mainly because it is hidden below the sidebar widgets.

2. Advertisers would not buy my number of visitors because basically, their ads are not shown on a highly visible area, unless at a point of time, I decided to place them in my blog posts.


Posted on Thursday, April 14, 2011

Sweet Sundae and Fillet-of-Fish

(SG only) Burger King® is offering everyone a sweet deal from 11 April 2011 to 27 April 2011! The King is giving a free sundae with every burger purchased (à la carte or meal). The sundae is available in three delectable flavors, enjoy it to the fullest extent! Print or flash this coupon to enjoy this awesome, sweet deal! Grab the coupon here, or click on the three Sundae cups above. Don't wait :)

(SG only) Grab your coupon and buy one Fillet-O-Fish Burger and get another free! You can either print it, or flash it at a Mac counter. This offer is only for a limited time, from 15 April 2011 to 24 April 2011, so what are you waiting for, it's a sweet, sweet deal for all :)


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